GetCryptois a reliable way to easily and conveniently accept payments from all over the world in the most popular cryptocurrencies. No KYC.
How it works?
Implement convenient acceptance of cryptocurrency payments on your website or online store.
Create an account
You create an account in a currency convenient for you in one of the following ways:
  • Via widget
  • Via API request
The client pays the invoice using one of the proposed methods.
The system confirms the transaction and the money is credited to your account.
Withdrawal of funds
You can withdraw funds to your personal wallet.
We accept
We are working to expand the list of cryptocurrencies and other payment methods.
Our advantages
We are working on updating existing and implementing new features.
Full automation
The service automatically converts prices into fiat currency and quickly confirms the transaction.
Convenient personal account
We provide a convenient interface for withdrawing funds and working with incoming payments.
Easy integration
We provide several scenarios for integrating your application.
Service commission
1.5% of the successful payment amount
Connect with us
Fill out the form and our manager will contact you shortly
How does the Widget work?
Implement convenient acceptance of cryptocurrency payments on your website or online store.
Step 1.
Select cryptocurrency, preferred network.
Project name
Bill payment:N-123456
Account expires in:59:58
To pay:998.973 USD
Select cryptocurrency
Select network
Step 2.
Send the exact amount to the specified address.
Project name
Bill payment:N-123456
Account expires in:59:58
To pay:998.973 USD
Wallet on the TRC20 networkTRC20
Scan the provided QR code for easy payment.
After making the payment, click on the “I paid” button to verify the transaction.
Search for a transaction on the BEP20 network!
This process takes up to 15 minutes.
The transaction has been found and your invoice has been paid.
Return to site
The transaction could not be found!
Make sure to enter the correct amount, network and wallet address.
To try one more time
Ready modules
We regularly expand the list of free modules for fast and secure integration of CryptoCloud with popular CMS. Connect your project in a few clicks!